Monday, June 22, 2009

How would this work in my classroom?

With so many mandates to teach reading, writing and arithmatic, sometimes I wonder how can I make my class techno savvy? I want to upgrade the classroom to make it a virtual portal for parents to access, and students to enjoy. BUT HOW DO I DO THIS! I know bloggs are an easy way into to the virtual world, but how do I combat the evils of cyberbullies, predators and everything else that districts loathe. I try to be the advocate for technology, and give the educational stance of how it is beneficial, but I am up against the BOE, and the administration, (especially the tech coordinator). Everything that is social is blocked! From facebook, twitter, to skype. I am so frustrated!
Frustrated as HECK!


  1. This blog will be a great communication tool for parents and should not be a way for bad guys to get in. Simply be sure you turn the option to moderate all comments.
    Also make sure your principal is on board.

    Don't give up!

  2. I agree that your blog could be a wonderful way to connect with your parents. I know in our district this has been a filtering issue in the past. But this summer, the software is supposed to be changed. Your passion for teaching comes straight through your words.
